hi all, I live in Lima, Peru and I work here as Remote technician for an American company. here is the problem.. The ones that answers the phone talks to people that call from the states to get their computer repair. So they connect them to me and I repair their computer. Here is what's so unfair. They make $5 per connection and I do the work and I only make 500 a month and they pail me up with a lot of connections at once! Well, because I work from Peru they had me to open a checking account in the States that charges me 10 per month for not having the minimum required amount of $500 (what a joke). I hear the sales people talking all the time about their pay and how they going to buy cars and how they already paid things off, etc etc. and me I have to walk to work, skip meals and wear the same cloths because I can't afford anything like they can. I know many of you are going to suggest that I work in sales, well I've tried that and they won't let me for they need technicians. I've tried looking for another job, that's not easy without legal papers which brings up another topic. My job is suppose to be getting them for me because I'm paying 200 per month to pay it off now and still don't have anything yet. This sucks!! I only want serious answers please and another thing, please don't recommend returning to the States for that's whole other issue. I put this in religion and spirituality because I would like advice from Christians because I'm dealing with a lot of jealousy and hatred that is not of God.
Religion & Spirituality - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Okk why are u in relgion and spiritualty for this question? and ur getting ripped off
2 :
Looks like your in a tough unfair situation. I wont try and suggest anything because Im not gonna pretend to know the job market or anything else about Lima, Peru. What I will tell you is that a "IT" guy is an invaluable resource to many companies. Your services as a technician may be bring you better compensation if you worked for a private company. The IT guy where I work makes a handsome salary. The company I work for has hundreds of computers and networks that are constantly crashing so he stays busy. Try and see if any private companies are looking for this type of service.
3 :
Become a priest, that is easy, little work and you can get money from the members by just saying that you are praying for them.
4 :
Like just Truth said... become a priest .. and.. they will believe whatever you lie to them.. :) then.. you can make money so easily.. haha.. Thanzaw
5 :
OK Here's food for thought: Matt. 20:1-16. You make a contract, you keep it. Don't compare your contract to someone else. Solution: Renegotiate. Eph. 6:5-9. While you are not a slave, the general ideas apply. Make sure you do the right thing. Take or create an opportunity to be Christ to your co-workers in this situation.
6 :
You are being used and getting ripped off; why is this hard for you to understand?
7 :
Get a new job :)
8 :
When the great ocean liner Titanic sank in 1912, it was rumored to have gone down with a fortune in jewels and gold. That longlasting myth was dispelled, however, by the discovery of the ship's manifest, which showed that the ship was carrying raw feathers, linen, straw, hatter's fur, tissue, auto parts, leather, rabbit hair, elastics, hair nets, and refrigerator equipment. There is another persistent rumor about riches. It is widely believed that a wealthy person should be honored and valued, even though he may be ungodly. On the other hand, a godly, self-disciplined person is considered by some to be of little worth if he is not wealthy. David, the author of Psalm 37, cautioned the poor and needy not to be envious of the rich and prosperous. In time, the cargo manifest of the ungodly will be uncovered, revealing that their lives contain nothing of enduring value. This life is only the beginning of an everlasting existance. So don't look longingly at the ungodly and their riches. They have no lasting teasures. Instead, be like those who wait with patience for their eternal God no matter what their economic situation may be. They alone know where to find real treasure. Mark 8:36--What will profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? It's better to be poor and walk by faith, than to be rich and walk by sight.