so i'm trying to decide what i should major in. I was thinking public relations.. I know that I want to work in peru at an orphanage for a time in college, or in the summer (i'm taking spanish, too) and the person that is in charge of the orphanage at the moment just finished a major in PR, and is going onto international law. or i could go into communications, which is much broader (but i don't know what kind of jobs there are for a communications major) or I saw a major offered at uw madison that was called community and nonprofit leadership..which sounds interesting to me..but i don't know if it would have any "substance" for a future career. so basically i need people's opinions..i want to help out the homeless (volunteering my summer at an orphanage in peru is something I know im going to do) ... but i want to make a career out of that..and idk what to major in! pleaseee help! (: or not nessesarily the homeless...but i want to help others. the less fortunate. i'm kinda a humanitarian and i love helping people who need help
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Communication majors find it harder to get a job after graduating. I'd probably suggest doing PR instead. But if you really want to go deep into helping people, I'd probably suggest psychology.