I saw a show on TBN called Creation In The 21st Century that described the work of Dr. Dennis Swift in Peru in South America and Dr. Swift has fabrics, pots, totem poles and the petroglyphs that the Nazca Indians etched in the top of the mountain that show dinosaurs and prove that dinosaurs lived recently. I'm looking for these pictures.
Religion & Spirituality - 3 Answers
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1 :
thats news to me. Did they not give sources for their information? Maybe they made it up.
2 :
Those guys took a lot of hallucinogenic drugs, so you need to take that into consideration.
3 :
check out these links and make up your own mind. http://www.allaboutcreation.org/dragon-history.htm You are here: Creation >> Dragon History Dragon History - Universal Concept in Ancient Cultures http://www.genesispark.com/genpark/ancient/ancient.htm ANCIENT DINOSAUR DEPICTIONS http://www.creationists.org/dinosaurs-humans-coexisted.html Evidence that Humans and Dinosaurs lived together, at the same time