My friend has recently been getting in touch with his spiritual and religious side. He's a Catholic. Anyway, today at work an elderly lady wearing an American Indian poncho came up to him with a bracelet made from beads and shells... she insisted that he wear it and say it was made by American Indians in Peru and it would be protection for him. She kept insisting and making it clear that it would be protection for him. Does anyone know anything about American Indians in Peru and what this bracelet could mean? Why would she choose him randomly out of all the people in the shopping mall?
Mythology & Folklore - 2 Answers
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1 :
Beads are/were used for hunting power, spiritual meaning, beauty, wealth, personal identity and protection. She may just have been a natural "seer" one who can sense attributes in people and he was just one that caught her attention. or she was there with hundreds of them and was hoping to get some money for it. either way the beads are pretty and she may have cast a protection spell on them so tell him not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
2 :
For hundreds of years Native Peruvians believed in the energy that certain beads have to protect the person who is wearing them from disease, bad spirits and envy from other people. I can't really tell what the beads that the old lady gave you can do, because different beads have different effects on you. The most well known one is the huayruro, which protects you from other people's envy (bringing negative energies and bad luck to your life). By the way, I always carry two huayruros in my wallet. It doesn't hurt to try.