I am 17, and i plan to be in cuzco at least until the end of this year. (although i may go back to Lima for a couple weeks in june) I am from Lima, and my parents are from the U.S. so i speak both spanish and english perfectly, and i am also learning japanese. i would prefer to work in a touristic store or restaurant, or in a hotel, but i am open to other opportunities as well. i am the one looking for the job
Peru - 4 Answers
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1 :
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2 :
You're looking for a job? well this isnt the best section for that. I would just say that you go to various touristic stores and give them your resume.
3 :
internet cafe job
4 :
I'm from Lima, and i visited Cuzco a couple of times. Well, there are a lot of touristic places in Cuzco, i think it will be easy to find a job because you speak english and Japanese. But i don't know if you're going to make a lot of money. Good Luck!