Other details/Questions: What is needed, a work visa? Is this difficult to obtain? Suppose I married a Peruvian? Does this make things easier? A teacher married to a Peruvian architect. Do you imagine they would be earning a comfortable living? FYI, I speak literate Spanish (not "fluent," but pretty darn good).
Immigration - 2 Answers
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1 :
Not hard. Personally I'd choose Costa Rica, Chile or Argentina. I have a cousin in education who has been teaching in Dubai for the past two years, making money hand over fist and loves living there.
2 :
http://www.digemin.gob.pe/ Marriage is always a good way Naturalisation Due to Marriage After being here on a resident visa for two years due to marriage you can become Peruvian. You need the following. 4 passport size photos. Your original and a notarised copy of your carne de extranjeria that shows two years residency. An original copy of your spouse's birth certificate. A simple copy of your spouse's DNI showing casada status. A letter to the Director of Immigration asking for your application to be considered. You can find one at DIGIMEN or in Section 8. A statutory declaration that you are healthy and have no criminal convictions. You can find one at DIGIMEN or in Section 8. Form F006. Fee for Form F006, 40 soles. Your original Peruvian marriage certificate showing 2 years of marriage. Read more: http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/latin-america/index.pl?page=1;read=1126#ixzz1Ia3xGhjS